Children can be registered onto our Waiting List from when they are 2 years of age.
We do not have any vacancies currently however Waiting List registrations are still being taken for possible enrolment should any vacancies become available during 2024.
Waiting list registrations for enrolment starting in 2025 and 2026 are also open now. Please note priority of enrolment will be given to 4 year old (children who turn 4 by 31st July in that calendar year) and other Government identified target groups as per preschool start strong funding criter
Preschool tours and visits for future enrolment must be booked with our office before you visit. Please phone our office Monday – Friday between 8.30am to 3.45pm to arrange a visit.
We currently have a waitlist. Please download the form below and send through to admin@stmatthewsps.net.au
Virtual tour